Thankful for
This Country
I'm thankful
for this country.
It means the
world to me.
I could have
been born somewhere else,
perhaps in
Since I was
born in the thirties,
I'd have been
in time for Hitler's reign.
I wonder what
my thoughts might have been
about this
leader who was insane?
Would he have
pulled the wool over my eyes
as he did
so many in those days?
Would I have
believed in his rhetoric,
to his terrible ways?
But I was lucky,
I excaped that fate
and was able
to see the truth.
I wasn't suckered
in by those lies
to become
one of Hitler's youth.
I'm thankful
for my family,
the children
and grandchildren too.
I'm thankful
I was born and raised
in the land
of the red, white and blue.
~ Alexandra
Webb ~
November, 2003
with permission
Read more
of her poetry here.