Happy Fourth.....to the South and the North,
to the East and the West too.
May our flag ever fly on the 4th. of July
that glorious red, white, and blue.
May that flag always wave o'er the home of the brave
and above the land of the free.
For some paid the cost and blood has been lost
to buy freedom for you and for me.
This is a date that we all celebrate
when independence was won long ago.
Ever since that day, some have had to pay
the price so that freedom could grow.
On this patriotic day, we celebrate the way
our troops never fail us at all.
They give us their best in every single quest
and serve with a valor beyond the call.
So puff up your chest and give it your best
with a picnic, fireworks and a parade.
Always be proud, whether single or in a crowd,
of this country that surely God made.
Alexandra Webb