"When You Pray, God
When you pray to God
those prayers are covered
with His love.
He hears each prayer
you send His way
and guides the steps
you take each day..
He counts each hair
upon your head
and knows each drop
that you have bled.
He knows the robin as
it flies
and hears a baby when
it cries.
Your sorrows are His
sorrows too.
He always knows when
you are blue.
He wants to dry those
falling tears
and take away all of
your fears.
God always listens when
you pray,
hears each and every
word you say.
He always answers, this
I know.
it's just, sometimes,
He must say "no."
The time may not be
right, just yet,
certain requirements
may not be met.
God sees the future
and what it brings
while we are limited
in all these things.
He always knows what's
best for you
and wants your dreams
to all come true.
He always listens when
you pray
and hears your heart's
desire each day.
~ Alexandra
Webb ~
© March 2001 Used with permission
Read more of Aleandra's poetry Here