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Dedicated to all whose dear Mother has gone 
              home to be with the Lord.

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I'm With You Yet

             Do not worry, do not fret,
              I'm not missing, I'm with you yet.
             You won't see my body but I'm not gone.
             My spirit is with you, my spirit lives on.

             I'm the childhood memories that come to mind,
            the stories you read, the four-leaf clover you find.
             When you feel the wind lifting your hair,
              it's your mother's touch for I am there.

             The warmth of the sun touching your face
             is like the warmth of a mother's sweet embrace.
             When you hear the notes of a lovely song start,
              they're notes of a song I planted in your heart.

              This is so-long, but it isn't goodbye.
             I'll wait behind the moon high in the sky,
             smile down when it's full and give you a wink.
              I'll color the sunsets with beautiful pink.

              My soul is free now, I'm floating on air.
             You can hear my voice like the softest prayer.
           A mother's love never dies,
           it simply takes wing and flies.

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            by  Alexandra Webb
            © Aug. 26, 2003
Used with permission
Read more of Alexandra's poetry Here

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 Music "Our Time Together" Midi
 David W. Folsom